Today, Seth Cutter of CVG Airport, representing the Kentucky SAF Coalition, testified to the Kentucky General Assembly’s Interim Joint Committee on Transportation regarding SAF, a biofuel critical to the future of the aviation industry.
During the presentation, Cutter discussed the opportunity that SAF represents to the Commonwealth, both for aviation end users who are looking to use more SAF in tandem with Jet A in their aircraft, as well as energy and agricultural users who can supply the feedstocks for and make SAF. The Kentucky SAF Coalition believes that the Commonwealth is an ideal location for growing SAF feedstocks, making and refining neat SAF, and supplying and using SAF at Kentucky’s commercial airports and beyond.
Cutter mentioned that Kentucky legislators have an opportunity to support the development of this specific biofuels industry by considering a package of incentives to attract production and consumption to the state. He discussed this being a top legislative priority of aviation companies doing business in Kentucky in 2024.